

류마티스관절염, 골관절염, 통풍, 강직성척추염, 척추관절염, 루푸스 및 면역 염증성 질환, 베체트병 및 혈관염, 전신성 근골격계 질환, 섬유근육통 등
류희정 이미지
종일 종일 오전 오전 오후 오후
  • 실제 진료 일정은 변동 될수 있으니 진료예약 후 내원 하시기 바랍니다. (응급 상황 등)
  • 문의전화 055-225-0000
  • 현. 한양대학교 창원한마음병원 척추관절센터 교수
  • 전. 가천대학교 길병원 류마티스내과 임상부교수
  • 전. 가천대학교 길병원 류마티스내과 임상조교수
  • 전. Sanofi-Aventis Medical advisor
  • Life member of Korean internal medicine Society
  • Life member of Korean Rheumatology Society
  • Life member of Korean Spondyloarthropathy Association
저서 및 논문
[논문] Synovial Fluid of Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis Enhanced Osmotic Sensitivity Through the Cytotoxic Edema Module in Synoviocytes
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biologyㅣ2021
[논문] Signalling and putative therapeutic molecules on the regulation of synoviocyte signalling in rheumatoid arthritis
Bone & Joint Research ㅣ2021
[논문] Particulate matter (PM 10)asanewlyidentifiedenvironmentalriskfactorforacutegoutflares:Atime-seriesstudy
Joint Bone Spineㅣ2021
[논문] Risk factors for herpes zoster in patients with rheumatic diseases: a nationwide cohort study in Korea
Rheumatology (Oxford)ㅣ2021
[논문] Mean platelet volume as a marker for differentiating disease flare from infection in Beh?et's disease
Int J Rheum Disㅣ2018
[논문] Clinical phenotypes of Korean patients with Behcet disease according to gender, age at onset, and HLA-B51
Korean J Intern Med ㅣ2018

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