[논문] Preoperative prophylactic balloon-assisted occlusion of the internal iliac arteries in the management of placenta increta/percreta
[논문] Fatal outcome of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in neonates with recessive PKHD1 mutations
Medicine (Baltimore)ㅣ2020
[논문] The association between intrauterine balloon tamponade volume and postpartum hemorrhage outcomes.
Int J Gynaecol Obstetㅣ2020
[논문] Triploidy that escaped diagnosis using chromosomal microarray testing in early pregnancy loss: Two cases and a literature review
J Genet Medㅣ2019
[논문] Clinicopathologic characteristics and treatment patterns of pelvic organ prolapse in South Korea
Pan Afr Med Jㅣ2019
[논문] Differentiation potential of different regions-derived same donor human Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells into functional smooth muscle-like cells
Cell Tissue Resㅣ2019
[논문] Clinicopathological features of premature ovarian insufficiency associated with chromosome abnormalities