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저서 및 논문
[논문] A comparison of silicone double lumen tube and polyvinyl chloride single lumen tube in fireoptic tracheal intubation on adifficult airway model: a randomized controlled non inferiorty trial
Sci Rep 2023 May24;13(1):8397
[논문] Lightwand guided insertion of flexible reinforced laryngeal airway: comparison with standard digital manipulation insertion
Med Sci Monit 2021Jan 11;27:e928538
[논문] Antitussive effect of a magnesium infusion during anesthetic emergence in patients with double lumen endotracheal tube: a randomized controlled trial
J Thrac Dis 2020 Oct;12(10):5691-5699
[논문] A comparison of McGrath MAC, Pentax AWS, and Macintosh direct laryngoscopes for nasotracheal intubation: a randomized controlled trial
Ther Clin Risk Manag 2019Sep18:15:1121-1128.
[논문] Time to tracheal intubation over a fibreoptic bronchoscope using a silicone left-double lumen endobronchial tube versus polyvunyl chloride single lumen tube with bronchial blocker: a randomized controlled non-inferiorty trial
J Thorsc Dis 2019Mar;11(3):901-908
[논문] A comparison of the Macintosh larymgoscope, McGrath video laryngoscope, and Pentax airwayscope in pediatric nasotracheal intubation
Sci Rep 2018Nov 26;*91):17365
[논문] Use of the Bispectral index to predict eye position of children during general anesthesia. Korean J Opthalmol
2018 Jun; 32(3) 234-240

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